7 min readSep 4, 2020

The modern mythos: Aliens, and extraterrestrials

Despite the title, the mythology of aliens is nothing if not old as humanity itself. However, it seems to have achieved a big traction in popularity in the mid 20th century, until now. Quite recently infact, we’ve seen the United States Pentagon releasing videos of unidentified flying saucers which many in parapsychology and alienology circles list as “proof” for extraterrestrial life.

Personally, from an early age — about as soon as I can remember, I held an obsession with the concept of aliens. I read countless books, watched countless documentaries (the questionable intellectual honesty of them notwithstanding) and even had an experience I questioned as possible visitation from aliens in my mid teenage years.

But what we are going to address today is: is there something to be gleamed from these rumors, and the legend surrounding their existence? I believe so.
But we must consider this, as well. As outlined in previous writings, the general collective way of processing and explaining information has shifted. Due to enlightenment era thinking, we no longer seek to look at metaphysical causes or ways of processing information and events; instead the generally accepted as “valid” scientific community has sought to assign or limited and poorly understood materialist framework onto the nature of existence. And it seems this faulty line of thinking has bled into the fabric of contemporary parapsychology as well.

But how does this apply to aliens? Let’s first take a look at some “proof” of alien existence given to us through archaeological findings. Of course, I am applying to art work.

The picture seen here on the right is a Val Camonica cave carving from Italy. This quite clearly does depict some form of “Other” that we do not understand. For the context of this article, “Other” will refer to a tangible, uncanny, and not fully human entity being externalized and shown to us in some form.

On the right here, we continue to see depictions of an Other. However, these are ancient Babylonian Anunnaki. You may be wondering, “But aren’t the Anunnaki part of Sumerian and Babylonian religion as deities of the underworld?” Yes, they are. These are some of the poorest understood deities in foundational ancient religion, and play different roles in different cultures. In 2144 B.C. they were first mentioned in inscriptions as some of the most important deities and descendants of the God of the sky, An. (Interesting connection to following Gnostic thought?) And later on, seem to take on the role of the chairmen and watchers over the underworld in Babylonian religion.

So how does this apply to Aliens? There is line of thought in parapsychology circles that states Anunnaki visited earth as extraterrestrial creatures to create ancient humans, and use these creations to harvest gold for them as a sort of cattle. This is laughed at and rejected by most, but this sheds light into a big problem in our thinking.

The Anunnaki alien theory is a direct example that contemporary parapsychology groups are akin to their “valid” scientific counterparts in that they attempt to take examples of the unknowable other and form it into a materialistic mold with the explanation of extra-terrestrial life. We refuse to accept that perhaps, a level of understanding and existence about ourselves and the nature of reality lies just outside of our reach and full understanding, and instead use these examples of interesting depictions of our own internal archetypes and the mystic entities we interact with as proof of their own flawed materialism.

But if this is how historical mythology is bastardized, what of modern day alien encounters?

Credit to David Higgins, the alien babydaddy himself

Doctor John Mack is a private practice psychiatrist who authored one of my favorite books, “Abduction: Human encounters with Aliens” and received a great deal of media traction for his work. Dr. Mack interviewed many patients who claimed to have been abducted by aliens. These patients all haled from different geographical locations, life demographics (age, gender, race, etc.) and all shared incredibly similar alien abduction stories. What is very important and solidifies the experiences is that these patients of his would share explicit small details that were all the same or similar with one another; which were statistically impossible to fake. Even more interestingly, these stories were often recalled during states of hypnosis by the psychiatrist. The patients were aware something has happened; but were unsure the details of what until they were put into a hypnotic state. Sadly, the book is too long to put all the main points here. But I would like to paraphrase a quote from page 363.
“Neither Carlos Nor I can separate cleanly the dimensions of his narrative that are metaphoric and mythic from those that occur in, or are, of our physical world. His case almost begs for the obliteration of this distinction which has been so convenient, if not essential, to western perception of reality. Perhaps it is sufficient to begin an interpretation of his experiences by saying that to him they are powerfully real, and leave as perhaps unanswerable now the question of the domain and universe that they belong. What these creatures, or “light beings” were, remain unknown.”
Alien abductions bridge a fine line between the occult, and the psychological. And as Doctor Mack says, occasionally it may not matter what the etiology of these experiences are as long the lessons learned from these experiences are meaningfully used in life.
In the book, the most common type of aliens were nordic aliens and gray aliens. These aliens often gave the abductees wisdom and cautious warnings to take care of the earth, and of themselves in addition to the people around them. These abductees were very touched by the experiences and their lives were often changed for the better. Many reported becoming spiritual people, some even “shamans”.

One of the mistakes we can make which is perfectly inline with the dangerous line of materialistic thinking is labeling all of these alien experiences as internal psychological experiences. That is, the animus or anima within a human subconscious manifesting itself in hyper-real dreams, dream like, and meditatory states as archetypes to teach the person in question lessons the unconscious is trying to bring forward to the conscious mind. I think for some degree of these reported alien abduction cases this may be accurate. But certainly not 100%. Even in life with that type of thinking, who am I to say perhaps entities or deities are *not* manifesting themselves in a form our mind can understand and depict themselves as what we consider aliens within our dreams to impact lessons for improvement upon us? It is a possibility.

But this line of Neo-Jungian thinking is dangerous because it fails to accept any sort of external, outside cause for these experiences. Entities may be presenting themselves as such. But, a point any astute study of alien mythos will be quick to remind you about is of physical markings being left on abductees by these aliens. They can present on the lower quadrants of the abdomen, back of the neck, and if I recall, even the legs. In some cases these may be fake, but I certainly doubt all.

And the final folly in this material conception of aliens is that they exist in our universe as extraterrestrials. If we truly have been visited all throughout history at such a large rate as these parapsychologists believe; we would have more proof. It would be impossible for the collective Gov’ts to gather all of the bodies of alien explorations gone wrong, to hide all private university/organization discoveries of astrological proof of aliens traveling, etc.
There would simply be too many chances to see proof of them in our universe in the modern era than there would be ways to hide. Not to mention, from our discovered universe with no evidence of alien life being found — beyond that, it would simply be too ineffective and even slow for there to be constant Faster Than Light travel at the rate of visitation we report to see, even accounting for hoaxes.

If you are to find a non internal, and non divine/occult cause for aliens, you must be of the belief that aliens exist as a sort of inter-dimensional creature that can travel between said universes. This would explain the lack of astronomical evidence while accounting for the unexplainable stories and markings found.

On the point of aliens being of an occult, I leave you with this for your own research.

Credit to Huffjenk on the Discord server

The picture you see is a depiction of possibly interconnected occult-alien events 1946–47s leading up to the Rosewell crash, which jumpstarted the revival of alien mythology in Northern America. The Trinity test was the activation of the first nuclear device in the world.
The Babalon Working Project was a series of ritual ceremonies performed by Jack Parsons and Scientology founder Ron hubbard, with the intent of manifesting a female archetypal entity called Babalon. Make of all that what you will.

As always, be well friends.


Written by Octavian

Delivering messages from beyond the veil to all who are willing to listen. Join our discord: https://discord.gg/xJh7YC6

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