The following is a theory of some general ideas I’ve been throwing around in my mind.
Do not think I come to bring peace onto this earth, I did not come to bring peace — but a sword.
On this final day of 2020, and 10 days after the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, we will entering the first full year under this new age — the age of Abraxas.
The previous age of Pisces began with the death of Jesus Christ (approximated) and showed the rise of Christianity.
Christianity was a large paradigm shift to the previously dominating religion of Judaism. With Christianity, no longer was one specific race and cultural group the sole heirs to eternal life, but all those that accepted the Holy Spirit were welcomed into the full. With the birth of Jesus, the great narrative of love, forgiveness, and wholeness began. Even today, you see the Christian God being spoken of as the God of love by many. Whether you believe Jesus was an emanation of the supreme God, a prophet, or didn’t exist at all doesn’t really matter. What matters is that Jesus Christ represented this fullness and this divine order and fills to the brim, almost stiffingly so, the general narrative for how we view Christianity today.
No longer did Jewish devotees need to hold to the cultural customs of the Hebrews, but they were freed from those shackles in exchange for absolute acceptance and faith.
But even Jesus himself stated that he comes not in peace, but with a sword. Jesus is also said to be one of the great Judges on Judgement day.
The narrative of the last age was that of love and peace, but we can see that didn’t exactly go as one may guess.
Quite the more recently, our earth has been filled with civil wars, disease, civil unrest, destruction, you name it.
One may ask, where is the peace? Where is the love? Where is the unity?
To understand duality is to understand duality is a lie, and all is one.
You cannot have order without chaos. You cannot have peace without destruction and violence. One doesn’t exist without the other.
Think of nature. Let’s take wildfires for an example. Lots of forestry burns down, many animals lose their lives, sometimes even people lose their homes. These are all terrible things on the surface till you realize, this destruction paves the way for new growth. Often times, wildfires remove dead underbrush preventing new greens from growing and destroys dead trees standing in the way of new trees trying to grow. The ashes from these now dead plants serve a purpose once more; they help serve as fertilizer for the new greens to meet their full potential. It’s part of the great circle of life. For one thing to flourish, one other must pass away.
The same theory applies on a larger societal scale, as well. To quote Thomas Jefferson, “The Trees of Liberty must ever so often be watered by the blood of Tyrants.” Long have humans understood that a society or government that is too comfortable becomes bloated, inefficient, and harmful to those it intends to serve. Humans understood this all the way dating back to the ancients. Look at the Egyptian story of Osiris and Set. While Osiris created life, Set would bring the sands of the desert to wage destruction on the Egyptian nation when people got too comfortable and corruption was rampant. Civil disorder and death is sadly always an occasional necessity to purify a land and to restore true peace and order in the future.
Let’s take a look at Covid-19. It is undoubtedly a terrible disease that has killed many people, and I look forward to the eventual eradication. However, it is undeniable the virus and lockdown have brought to light many societal issues we face in terms of wealth inequality, healthcare inequality, poverty, and the competency and effectiveness of Government. Should we be brave and vocal enough, the troubles and hardships we have faced through this time will pave the way for a better future for all.
Why did I mention the age of Jesus?
Love and order have always been here, but as Christ said, but not without hardship. That is what the past Age represented. This age represents the age of Abraxas, the completion of the whole.
In one hand, Abraxas wields the Shield of grace and protection, and in the other holds the whip of pain and destruction. He brings about evil and chaos, but all with the general intent of illuminating and strengthening the good order we have. In this age of Abraxas, we will see many more hardships. But we must be strong and resolute, for there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You cannot have order without destruction to get there.
However, there is a difference between this chaos with order, and vapid empty destruction. This empty destruction is without meaning — simply because the Darkness likes the way it tastes. Abraxas will slay this beast once more; for now.
In Egyptian Mysticism, it is said every night Set sails with the sun God and God of creation and order, Ra through the underworld. And every night, Set slays the great world eating serpent Apep that wishes to devour Ra. Apep wishes for nothing more but the destruction and death of this world and the return to darkness. For he IS the darkness.
Why does Set not slay this serpent for good?
Because this cosmic force of empty evil is allowed to illuminate the good — but will be kept in check. As the Hermetica states; “he spoke darkness to light, and the darkness became the light.”
In this age, Abraxas will make himself known. He will come to earth and announce his presence. Maybe under a different name. Jews will see it as the coming of the Messiah — Christians will either see it as Judgement day, or see him as the Great Deceiver. Hermetics and Gnostics will know.
His work has already been present for the past centuries. But as the despair ramps up, we will further see his presence known.
This is what all of western and near-east Esoterica has been alluding to and speaking of. The need for evil to show the good.